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  • Writer's pictureRandall Fisher

The Day My World Stopped Spinning

My world stopped spinning on July 22, 2018 after my business partner and my boss, who happened to be my wife, lost a short and vicious fight with cancer.

She did not go quietly into the good night, poking the disease in the eye with every breath mustered as they went at it no less than four times over the four months before cancer winning in the fifth and final fight. She was my best friend, my lover and my wife for nearly 30 years. She ran our law firm, but what she really wanted to do was write.

Early in her writing career she made the tactical decision to write under a pseudonym of initials to mask her feminine name.  She never believed she would be readily accepted in writing in a male’s voice if she was open that her first name was Mary. Her fans, accepted her writing openly sending queries, comments and requests to “Dear Mr. Lewis.” Nothing pleased her more.

Her full obituary, with details about her life and where the writing came from, have appeared in the Baltimore Sun, the Annapolis Capital and the Washington Post. This weekend it will appear in the Wilmington News-Journal. We are holding a “Celebration of Life” service for her on August 20, 2018. The office will be closed that day. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday.

We all have multiple pages in our lives and when Mary turned hers to this, nothing made her happier. When her writing fans honored her with love and respect, nothing made her smile more. For those of you who obtained a copy of the book, my children and I thank you.

I am only sorry the pages ended way too soon.

Randall D. Fisher

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